Thanks, but no thanks

Well..what do we have here?

It would be Lil C…pretending to to a diaper box filled with ball-pit style balls.  And not just any balls. Balls that he received from one of my co-workers while he was visiting me at lunchtime. 

Since receiving this monster-sized garbage bag of balls, he has refused to part with them. THANK YOU, CO-WORKER.  We definitely didn’t have enough crap ( already crowding us out of house and home. We definitely needed some ball-pit style balls. I mean, who doesn’t?

Also, did I mention he goes absolutely ape when his sister gets anywhere near these things? And that she is just as obsessed with them? And he looks at me like I’m nuttier than a fruitcake when I tell him that there are more than enough to share? And instead I get to hear two high pitched screams fighting over these flipping balls? Again, THANK YOU CO-WORKER. I will remember this generosity.

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