Category Archives: Family

Two peas in a pod

Two buds…    When they truly team up, the Hubs and I are in BIG trouble…

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First day of Preschool

So, this happened.    This would be my little ham on his FIRST DAY OF PRESCHOOL! As you can see here, he is not lacking in the confidence department.  How is it that he is already old enough for preschool? One more blink and he will be leaving for college.  Where is that damn pause …

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Thanks, but no thanks

Well..what do we have here?    It would be Lil C…pretending to to a diaper box filled with ball-pit style balls.  And not just any balls. Balls that he received from one of my co-workers while he was visiting me at lunchtime.  Since receiving this monster-sized garbage bag of balls, he has refused to …

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Birthday rosette cake…rookie style 

Baby L turns one tomorrow…so Lil C and I decided to make some mini cakes for the occasion!    The top two are my attempts at a “rosette cake”. The youtube and Pinterest gurus claimed that it was a “very easy” way to decorate a cake. As you can see from my rookie attempt…those Pinterest …

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The first year of lasts

In one week, our baby girl, our youngest child will be a year old. A year of sleepless nights, fussy evenings, nursing frustrations and sibling rivelry. A year of perfect smiles, snuggly cuddles, exciting milestones and unforgettable giggles. It seems like our Miss Sass just came into our lives, but at the same time it …

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