Monthly Archives: November, 2015

Sugar and spice and everything nice…

Here are four ways Lil L is vastly different than her brother. She is kinda a girly girl (and I kinda like it). 1. The dancing. Lil L absolutely loves to get her groove on. To country music, to nursery rhymes, to commercial jingles, to the Muzak in the elevator… The girl has rhythm! 2. …

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Toddler Yin and yang

Life is all about balance…yin and yang…burpees then peanut butter cups (isn’t that really the point of a burpee?)   Lately, Lil C has been quite the Threenager. And for those not acquainted to the term (lucky you), it is a three year old going on..I don’t know…15 years old. He is all sass and …

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